Botulinum toxin for the treatment of skin issues

Botulinum toxin, better known as botox, is actually the toxin that botulism produces. Its ability to produce muscle paralysis is used for medical purposes in the treatment of certain neurological diseases and aesthetic medicine for expression wrinkles. That is why it is best known Botox in Boston.

The injection of Botox is today one of the favorite beauty treatments for many women who want to look more beautiful and want to finish their wrinkles. The passage of age is not indifferent to women and Botox injection can be a good option to delay the passage of time.


Botox is used to disappear the wrinkles that appear while the skin is aging. This is achieved through its injection into certain facial muscles, where the wrinkles appear. The Botox Boston paralyses the muscle and stretches the skin again. Therefore, it is injected directly into the muscle responsible for the wrinkle, which cannot be contracted again.

Advantages of Botox:
  • Avoid surgery.
  • It can be used anytime from the Best Place For Botox In Boston.
  • It is a practically painless technique.
  • Its effects are immediate and last between five and six months.
  • It hardly has contraindications.
  • Produces adverse effects very rarely, such as allergic reactions, facial stiffness or nausea as confirmed by Doctor for Botox.
The technique:

The technique involves the infiltration by an extra-fine needle of the botulinum toxin into the muscle of the area to be treated, producing its relaxation and inhibiting its movement. Its fundamental application in aesthetics is the treatment of wrinkles of expression, those that appear in the eyebrows, the forehead, the corners of the lips or the contour of the eyes as told by Doctor for Botox near Me.
It is very important that this Botox Treatment In Boston is applied by a specialist who knows the facial anatomy, since a puncture with botox in the wrong place can generate an unwanted expression.


Botolinum toxin or Botox has other medicinal applications too:
  • The treatment of hyperhidrosis in people with excessive sweating in the armpits, hands and feet.
  • Control of blepharospasm.
  • Other dystonia and spasms.
  • Finally it is offering good results in paraplegic people with urinary incontinence problems.
How long is the effect of the Botox injection?

The anti-wrinkle effect of Botox injection lasts around 5 to 6 months. After this period has passed, a new dose of Botox can be placed. Something that always has to be taken into account, regardless of where the Botox infiltration is performed, is that the dose should be applied once only. Never allow two or more Botox injections to be placed on the same occasion. After the 6 months have elapsed, a new dose can be placed on the skin again.

It is important to ensure that the professional who does Botox is a professional from Botox Boston and has an appropriate license to perform this type of treatment. Any kind of negligence in this situation would not be permitted.


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